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Congratulations on claiming our free Mindset Check Up Quiz!

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While you wait, I have a special offer just for you! 

Mindset Tune Up

Fine tune your mindset to make the most of your potential! Learn how to find balance in your life, set meaningful goals, and overcome obstacles as you move toward living your best life! 

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This is the only place you'll see this offer!

Ready to create a SHIFT in your mindset and in your life? 
Get instant access to my TOP Mindset Shift for just $17 (Regularly $97)

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Sig up Now!

Stop letting the STRESS of the World affect your well-being!

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Get instant access to the full program today for just $17


Here's exactly what you'll get inside Mindset Tune Up:


  • Emotional Quotient Assessment - Take this self evaluation to understand the way you process emotions. 

  • Wheel of Life Workspace - Dive deep into the journey of your life and make the ride a lil smoother as you find balance!

  • Setting Meaningful Goals - Explore and discover what it is you REALLY want to accomplish in this life!

  • Overcoming Obstacles - Learn what it takes to navigate around inevitable obstacles that pop up in life.

  • Wellness Workbook - Create your Wellness Plan and take action towards living your healthiest future!


Total Value of Mindset Tune Up = $367

Get it all today for only $17!!

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Winter Springs

"Emily thanks for being the incredible human you are. No words can express how you make me feel anytime I'm in your class. You empower and bring out things in me I didn't even know were there."

What my students are saying!


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Oh Hey! I’m Emily!


I’m a Yoga Life Coach, who has helped over 14,000 people find the best version of themselves! If you’re like me, nothing ever comes easy, and it helps to have a guide. I can show you step by step just what to do. Let me be your guide on your journey to wellness! I promise you’ll feel so much better!


I’ve always led an active lifestyle, but after a nasty, crippling accident, I was left in a wheelchair. I started to gain weight and give up hope of ever leading a *FUN* life again. It would have been easier to quit. I almost did. But instead, I decided to create a solution. I made my come back, and SO CAN YOU!!


Let’s call it what it is, life is pretty hard right now. All of our usual ways of being have been changed over and over again, and it’s all too easy to get behind on your goals. I created this program for people who just need a boost in the right direction. They need someone to help them get back on track and get REAL results.  


I got you! If I can do it, so can YOU!

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Access the mini course instantly and see for yourself within the Next 60 Days.

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If you implement the steps in this training but are not able to manage your stress better, I'll give you your $17 back.


That's how confident I am that the Mindset Tune Up program will help you.


100% Money Back Guaranteed.

Just looking for the FREEBIE promised? No worries!! It should be arriving in your inbox now!
No email? Check your spam and then contact me at 

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
                     - Gandhi
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