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Mindset Tune Up

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Fine tune your mindset to make the most of your potential! Learn how to find balance in your life, set meaningful goals, and overcome obstacles as you move toward living your best life!  Mindset Tune Up program includes resources to help you create a healthy Wellness Plan including: Emotional Quotient Assessment - Take this self evaluation to understand the way you process emotions.   Wheel of Life Workspace - Dive deep into the journey of your life and make the ride a lil smoother as you find balance! Setting Meaningful Goals - Explore and discover what it is you REALLY want to accomplish in this life! Overcoming Obstacles - Learn what it takes to navigate around inevitable obstacles that pop up in life. Wellness Workbook - Create your Wellness Plan and take action towards living your healthiest future! With just a few adjustments, you can get back on track with your BIG life goals!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Yoga Life Coaching


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