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Don't Take Anything Personally

Writer's picture: EmZenEmZen

You know that feeling? 😮😨😭😭😖😖

...when you find out someone did you wrong, like really wrong. Either betrayed you, or abandoned you, or straight up talked shit about you? It sux.

That happen to me recently. Someone I cared about and invested my time and energy into, turned right around and spread lies about me and tried to sabotage my efforts. Not gonna lie, it hurt. And I spent 5 minutes in confusion... Why would they do that? Don't they know how much I helped them? Don't they care?

They do. Here's the thing though...It has nothing to do with you.

It never did.

This month in Yoga we are studying The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. If you haven't read it yet, you definitely should! You can find it HERE on my favorites page. The book is full of ancient wisdom passed down for thousands of years, guidelines to being happy in a weirdo wonky world.

The 2nd Agreement tells us: DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY.

As an Empath, this one is brutal. I FEEL everything, quite personally. ...AND though, when we look deeper, it makes perfect sense.

YOUR behavior is a product of many factors, like where you come from, how you were raised, the life experiences you've had, your preferences and triggers....and many more.... ALLLL determine how you behave. Same for other people. Their poor behavior is a product of their poor experience. Kinda sad really. I feel bad for them now.

AND I've learned a few ways to deal with it, some healthier than others lol!

"When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering." - Ruiz

Here's a meditation I practice to help get other people's poor behavior out of MY head! It's called the Cloud Meditation. I came up with this while reflecting on the teachings of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who teaches many valuable lessons in non-attachment. I practice this meditation regularly to remind myself to detach from feelings of negativity. Sit for a minute and practice it with me!

I filmed this in the Florida Keys, so even if you just want to visit the islands it's good for that too lol.

Cloud Meditation

A lesson on non-attachment, and a tool for removing negativity from your life.

The next time someone does you wrong , look up to the clouds for a reminder. It has nothing to do with you... and feelings come and go like clouds on a windy day. 💚

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                     - Gandhi
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