WOW! You look so (insert the one that stings the most - fat, old, mean, ugly) today. What's wrong with you?
You would NEVER, EVER say that to someone you love or even kind of sort of like right? So then why would you ever say it to yourself? There are so many types of love, like the love you have for family and friends, and even cute puppies and your favorite tree. (You DO have a favorite tree right?) 😉🙌🌿 Yoga teaches us the most important one is the LOVE you have for YOURSELF! And yet here we are, so critical of ourselves every day. Here's the thing though, if you can't accept and love yourself fully and completely, right now as you are, perfectly-imperfect... ...well... How do you think you love others? With criticism like that?? Only when they look perfect? Or lose weight?? Or are successful in their sports/careers/social network? Sounds kinda mean when you say it that way!! Did you know in the ancient yoga language Sanskrit there are 96 different words for types of love? Cool huh? And it all starts with loving YOU! You owe it to yourself, and to those you love to practice self-love. Which is more than a bubble bath and your favorite indulgence. It means creating a lifestyle that supports you, physically, mentally, happily! Like 96 different ways!! Let's practice!! 🙂💚
Here's a simple LOVE BUBBLE Meditation you can join me for to see how BIG your love really is!!
**If you sit at a desk, like at all, your Yoga Teacher is giving you the side-eye, and your shoulders are here for it!!
Try it!!
Let's practice loving ourselves in 96 different ways! And just see what's possible!! This
week on social media, I posted a free Mindfulness Tracker that helps with that. If you see it, grab it! Or hit reply and I'll send it to you! And if you don't follow me yet, click one of the links below to keep up with what I'm up to lol. 😁🙌☯
P.S. People ask me all the time why I use a green 💚. It represents Anahata, the Heart Chakra, where all love is born. Anahata is often represented by a green light, and it means that I love unconditionally, in the purest meaning of the word.🙂💚